Tuesday, November 24, 2020

100 WC

YASSSSSS! CHICKEN! I can’t believe we won free chicken for a YEAR! I can't wait to go to KFC and have a feast. After two hours of eating chicken I was finally full. Nothing beats FKFC; free kentucky fried chicken. I went to bed feeling off. I woke up in the morning. Feeling really sick. I see my dog's head stuck in the KFC bucket. He felt really ill. He ran to the toilet and projectile vomited everywhere. IT'S THE CHICKEN ITS DISEASED! Within hours the disease spread all around the world. Now the world has come to an end. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Year 8 EOTC Week Reflection

For a week all the year eights had a EOTC week. My class room 13 and 14 did the EOTC together. On Monday we had a biking trip, on Tuesday we went to Orokonui ecosanctuary, Wednesday we went to Peel Forest and did orienteering and high ropes. On Thursday and Friday we stayed at school and did activities. Although the week was tiring it was a very fun week. My favourite day was definitely Peel Forest although I didn't enjoy orienteering that much. I loved the high ropes. It took me out of my comfort zone and I did something I had never done before. The orienteering was very difficult. I couldn’t find the numbers and my group only found three out of fifteen. But in the last five minutes after finding three we gave up and had some fun instead. Me and my best friend Georgia started standing in the river since it was really hot. Although we got soaked it was the best bit. My least favorite day was Monday biking. I was really sore and I could barely walk. At the end I was so tired and sore it wasn’t even funny. But overall the week was really good and really fun.     

Thursday, September 10, 2020

100 WC Week 8

 It was halloween, kids out trick or treating. Teenagers out late making noise. Candy as far as the eye can see. The one night when scaring people is expected. The one night when I can come out. First I set up my trap. Put a sign in front of an old abandoned house. ‘ Haunted House’. Our first customer opened the creaky old door. As they walk down the corridor one of the floorboards breaks they try to get out but the door is locked from the outside. They have no choice but to move forward. Gradually, things started to move.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

100 WC

 In my lockdown I did a pile and a half of school work. Ate enough to feed an orphanage. Slept like I was sleeping beauty (minus the prince). Went on a 10.5 km walk. Got bored as they days went past. Watched so much news my brain was overflowing. Tried to stay in touch with all my friends. Went on a lot of zoom calls. Read 55 books. Played 15 hours of roblox. Watched too much TikTok. Listened to endless hours of music. Watched almost every movie in the house. So this was my very very very boring lockdown. 


Sunday, August 23, 2020

100 WC week six

 Diary entry 9

Its day 9, my boat is melting. No creature other than a few penguins are in sight. All attempts of contact have failed. I’m low on food, the clear liquid surrounding me is too salty to drink. I have only been able to catch a few fish in the last two days. 

Diary entry 10 

Day 10, I can see a small object in the distance it’s getting bigger by the second. The object seems so have a human in it. As it comes close my boat is almost melted, i fall and realize, i can swim. 

Sunday, July 26, 2020

100 WC

It was time. The oscar awards are already in sight. The paparazzi with their cameras. TV cameras were everywhere.Newspaper headlines waiting to be written. It was soon to be the biggest event of the year, maybe even the decade. Everyone will want to be there, all 7.8 billion people. You may be wondering what this event is, well that information is top secret. Everyone was seated and screen came down. A video began. The queen started playing everyone was silent suddenly a fart sound  came out of the speakers the crowd erupted with laughter. The Queen was farting! 

Sunday, July 19, 2020

100 WC

The president called an urgent meeting. “ The world has forgotten how to wash their hands” said the president. “We need a disease so people will begin to realise what they are doing, that's why I created this” the president held up a substance in a tube. “This is an intelligent disease it will mutate on its own. All we need is a cause and a name”. A scientist spoke up. “How about Apax 19 and the cause is fleas”! “amazing job Mr. Roberts” says the president. Mr. Roberts calls over his test subject and injects the needle, then it begins. 

Monday, June 29, 2020

100 WC

                   100 WC

It was an average day. I woke up, went to school, came home and got changed. I walked down stairs and I felt something was wrong. MUM! DAD! No response. So I shouted again. I finally reached the bottom but no mum or dad was found. Just a pile of groceries on the table unpacked. Suddenly I heard tapping on the walls. The tapping moved so I followed it. It led to dad’s office. I wasn’t allowed in there. The door was cracked open so I peeped through. A pile of work was sitting there and that's when I saw it. 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

100 WC

On a silent day a polar bear heard a humming sound, the sound was getting louder and louder. Far away he saw a car,it was a dark black car. They suddenly turned as if they were heading towards something. The bear soon realised that they were heading towards him. Before he could run, one of them got out. He headed near the rear of the car and put his hands on top, the bear then put his paws on top, the man takes them down, so does the bear. After awhile the man realised it was a game of copycat. 


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

100 WC

The worst had come across the jungle, the jungle had gone into serious drought. Animals were dying like leaves falling from trees. New born babies barely hanging on. The elephants were used to drought but it was even getting bad for them. The only resource of water was blood which meant more and more animals dying but blood didn’t last long and the elephants wanted to speak up, so they called a jungle meeting. Every animal was curious so they all came, the monkeys, tigers, lions, cheetahs, birds, alligators and crocodiles were all there then the Elephant delivered his speech

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

100 Word challenge

My partner and I have searched for this item for our entire lives, so rare it doesn't have a price. It has taken years just to find the lost location. Back in ancient Egypt when they had a king, everyone gave the king their most valued possession like gold and silver. One day a man came and explained ‘i am poor i have nothing to give you’ 

The king was furious. ‘You must have something’. The poor man presented a gold viola. That very night the king asked someone to play this instrument but it was melted into liquid gold.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

100 Word Challenge

100 Word Challenge

I just went for a walk down the street.The sidewalk walk was
glistening. It was pouring but I didn’t care.
All of a sudden headlights flashed in the distance at first
I didn’t think much of it. Until they slowed beside me.
Every turn I took, they took.
All of a sudden they stopped and one of them got out and
charged at me. I didn’t know what to do. It was like I was frozen
but time passing so fast each second was like a millisecond.
My instincts kicked in. this is when i knew I should run.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

100 Word Challge

One day a man was walking and he came across a lake where he found a golden blonde dog.
The man couldn't seem to find the dog's owner so he took him home. The man took the dog to the lake everyday to find his owner.
This went on for years. Until one day the man got too old to take him.
The next day the man wasn’t there so the dog took himself patiently waiting all day for someone.
On a sunny day a woman came by and took the dog home and they waited by the lake everyday.   
By Bridie

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Blogging challenge , my school.

At OIS in room thirteen our school day is mostly the same.
First we do the roll and notices, then we silent read before moving into reading we all have different groups and rotations. Like blogger, word cards and reading with the teacher. We get some writing done before morning tea and then after we finish. During the first block we will play a game. After writing we do maths till almost lunch. After lunch we have P.E and the teacher has something fun each day. That's my normal school day at OIS. 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Blogging challenge images

For this week's challenge I decided to draw a character or a OC. The style is anime. Here is my drawing.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

About me!

About me!

Hi, my name is Bridie Scott. I am  a 12 year old girl and live in New Zealand. I go to Oamaru Intermediate School. I know my profile looks like a boys and my hair is red and your probably thinking i'm lying but I have cut my hair short and dyed it and yes, i'm a girl. My hobbies include Karate, drawing, cosplaying and watching anime. My favourite food is Nachos and anything sweet. My favourite drink is basically all Coke. My favourite animal is a Artic Wolf. I come from a family of five. That's everything about me hope you know more about me!

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Three things I'm looking forward to!!

Three things I'm looking forward to 😀

1. SWIMMING SPORTS. Swimming sports is coming up this Friday and I'm really excited to do my races and gain house points for my amazing house Konini. I am only in two races which are freestyle and backstroke, the races I'm in aren't competitive so they will be just for fun.

2. TRIATHLON. I am excited for Triathlon because I want to compete in a group so I can do it with my friends and it's also good for exercise. 

3. THE WEEKEND. I am looking forward to the weekend to just relax and have fun with my family and maybe hangout with my friends. 

Monday, February 24, 2020

10 things that make me happy!!

                    10 things that make me happy 😀

  1.  FAMILY. My family makes me happy because I can always rely on them when I need and they cheer me up whenever I need them.
  2. MY PETS. Although they can be naughty at times I love them to bits I have two cats, Nellie and Gypsy. I also have a dog Jam. All my pets are rescues recently I have lost a much loved dog which we had for 14 years his name was Rufus.
  3. FRIENDS. I have many close friends who make me smile every time I see them we always joke around and have fun. My best Friend is Georgia.
  4. FOOD!!!! I love to eat until I can't eat anymore I can sit down with many bags of chips and watch a movie and cuddle up with blankets. 
  5. SLEEP! I can sleep in till at least ten to eleven on the weekends without fail and even after that I'm still tired!
  6. ANIME. I will binge watch anime for hours on end and still not be bored my favourites are My Hero Academia and Yuri On Ice. 
  7. DRAWING. I can spend a hour on a drawing and it will still look bad but it's still one of my passions.
  8. WRITING. I have wrote many stories that I am proud of and my favourite genre is fantasy. 
  9.  SUN. I like to lay out in the sun and just enjoy it
     10. BEACHES. I love to swim and boogie board at the beach on a hot day then to a dairy and get a giant ice cream to finish it off

  Bridie 😁