Sunday, August 30, 2020

100 WC

 In my lockdown I did a pile and a half of school work. Ate enough to feed an orphanage. Slept like I was sleeping beauty (minus the prince). Went on a 10.5 km walk. Got bored as they days went past. Watched so much news my brain was overflowing. Tried to stay in touch with all my friends. Went on a lot of zoom calls. Read 55 books. Played 15 hours of roblox. Watched too much TikTok. Listened to endless hours of music. Watched almost every movie in the house. So this was my very very very boring lockdown. 


Sunday, August 23, 2020

100 WC week six

 Diary entry 9

Its day 9, my boat is melting. No creature other than a few penguins are in sight. All attempts of contact have failed. I’m low on food, the clear liquid surrounding me is too salty to drink. I have only been able to catch a few fish in the last two days. 

Diary entry 10 

Day 10, I can see a small object in the distance it’s getting bigger by the second. The object seems so have a human in it. As it comes close my boat is almost melted, i fall and realize, i can swim.